"After Lesbians read CAROL I'm sure Aldrich will feel in the position of the person who gave birth to the old Islamic saying, quote: 'Thoro go my people. I must hurry after thom, for I am thoir leader!'"

ANN CARLL REID (Former Editor of ONE Magazine, California

"Havo Just read CAROL IN A THOUSAND CITIES and can't help but wonder why the writer labored so to climb THE LADDER and no painstakingly!

"It seems to mo it's common knowledge the stuff shown in your little vehicle isn't of the finest quality and that to criticizo it so wantonly would not only put emphasis on its medicority (of which I feel cortain you gals on THE LADDER would be the firut to agroo), but it omphasizes also the modicority of the oritic who bothered to Bean it and so, so noticulously!



A Landmark in the Legal Rights of Homosexuals


A California “Gay Bar" Case

One hundred and thirty four pages of exciting legal argument, scientific documentation and judicial precedents, quoting Drs. Kinsey, Karl M. Bowman, Blanche M. Baker, Norman Reider; ONE, Daughters of Bilitis, Mattachine Society; many others.

The complete briefs of attorneys Morris & Juliet Lowenthal, Karl D. Lyon; the Decision of the District Court of Appeal; the Decision of the Supreme Court of California; etc.

Everyone interested in human rights should own it. Send copies to attorneys, police chiefs and others.

ONE Institute Quarterly: Homophile Studies, Number 8, 1960. Price $4 per copy: for ten or more copies $3 each. Included in subscription for 1960, full year $5; overseas $6.

ONE, Inc., 232 S. Hill St., Los Angeles 12, Calif.